Source code for deepr.examples.movielens.layers.average

# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg,no-value-for-parameter,invalid-name
"""Average Model."""

import logging

import tensorflow as tf
import deepr

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def AverageModel( vocab_size: int, dim: int, keep_prob: float, share_embeddings: bool = True, train_embeddings: bool = True, train_biases: bool = True, average_with_bias: bool = False, project: bool = False, reduce_mode: str = "average", ): """Average Model.""" return deepr.layers.DAG( deepr.layers.Select(inputs=("inputPositives", "inputMask")), deepr.layers.Embedding( inputs="inputPositives", outputs="inputEmbeddings", variable_name="embeddings" if share_embeddings else "encoder/embeddings", shape=(vocab_size, dim), trainable=train_embeddings, ), UserEmbedding( inputs=("inputEmbeddings", "inputMask"), outputs="userEmbeddings", keep_prob=keep_prob, reduce_mode=reduce_mode, ), Projection( inputs="userEmbeddings", outputs="userEmbeddings", variable_name="projection" if share_embeddings else "encoder/projection", reuse=False, transpose=False, ) if project else [], AddBias(inputs="userEmbeddings", outputs="userEmbeddings") if average_with_bias else [], Projection( inputs="userEmbeddings", outputs="userEmbeddings", variable_name="projection", reuse=share_embeddings, transpose=True, ) if project else [], Logits( inputs="userEmbeddings", outputs="logits", vocab_size=vocab_size, dim=dim, reuse=share_embeddings, trainable=train_biases, ), deepr.layers.Select(inputs=("userEmbeddings", "logits")), )
[docs]@deepr.layers.layer(n_in=2, n_out=1) def UserEmbedding(tensors: tf.Tensor, mode: str, keep_prob: float, reduce_mode: str = "average"): """Compute Weighted Sum (randomly masking inputs in TRAIN mode).""" embeddings, mask = tensors # Drop entries without re-scaling (not classical dropout) if mode == deepr.TRAIN:"Applying random mask to inputs (TRAIN only)") mask_random = tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(mask)) <= keep_prob mask = tf.logical_and(mask, mask_random) weights = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) # Scale the weights depending on the reduce mode if reduce_mode == "l2": weights = tf.nn.l2_normalize(weights, axis=-1) elif reduce_mode == "average": weights = tf.div_no_nan(weights, tf.reduce_sum(weights, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) elif reduce_mode == "sum": pass else: raise ValueError(f"Reduce mode {reduce_mode} unknown (must be 'l2', 'average' or 'sum')") return tf.reduce_sum(embeddings * tf.expand_dims(weights, axis=-1), axis=-2)
[docs]@deepr.layers.layer(n_in=1, n_out=1) def AddBias(tensors: tf.Tensor): dim = tensors.shape[-1] biases = tf.get_variable( name="encoder/biases", shape=(dim,), initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.001) ) return tensors + tf.expand_dims(biases, axis=0)
[docs]@deepr.layers.layer(n_in=1, n_out=1) def Projection(tensors: tf.Tensor, variable_name: str, reuse: bool = False, transpose: bool = False): """Apply symmetric transform to non-projected user embeddings.""" dim = int(tensors.shape[-1]) if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError(f"Expected static shape for {tensors} but got {dim} (must be INT)") with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse): projection_matrix = tf.get_variable(name=variable_name, shape=[dim, dim]) return tf.matmul(tensors, projection_matrix, transpose_b=transpose)
[docs]@deepr.layers.layer(n_in=1, n_out=1) def Logits(tensors: tf.Tensor, vocab_size: int, dim: int, reuse: bool = True, trainable: bool = True): """Computes logits as <u, i> + b_i.""" # Retrieve variables (embeddings and biases) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse): embeddings = tf.get_variable(name="embeddings", shape=(vocab_size, dim)) biases = tf.get_variable( name="biases", shape=(vocab_size,), initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.001), trainable=trainable, ) # Compute inner product between user and product embeddings logits = tf.linalg.matmul(tensors, embeddings, transpose_b=True) # Add bias logits += tf.expand_dims(biases, axis=0) return logits