In this example we accept a very large file upload and we compute the total request body size without having to put everything in memory.

This is the main advantage of the lolhttp API. All the request body processing is done in user land, and you can use fs2 to manipulate the incoming stream.

import lol.http._ import lol.html._ import  

object LargeFileUpload { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {  

First, we start an HTTP server. We use a partial function for our service implementation to allow us to pattern match the incoming request.

Server.listen(8888) {  

In case of a GET / request, we return a simple HTML form allowing to upload a file.

case GET at url"/" => { Ok( tmpl""" <h1>Try to upload a very large file</h1> <p>And use your browser network conditions to simulate a slow client</p> <form action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> <input type="file" name="data"> <input type="submit"> </form> """ ) }  

In case of a POST /upload request, we consume the request body with a special reader that accumulates the total body size.

case request @ POST at url"/upload" => { Long)(_ + _.size)).map { size => 

Once the whole body has been read, the total size has been computed, and we display it in an HTML response.

Ok(tmpl"<h1>Done! body size was @size</h1>") } } } println("Listening on http://localhost:8888...") } }