Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on `Keep a Changelog `_ and this project adheres to `Semantic Versioning `_. [2.13.0] - 2023-01-07 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ Changed ~~~~~~~ Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ - Fixed CI to make it keep passing on Python 3.6 - Fix mlflow compatibility with mlflow server 1.30.0 Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.12.0] - 2021-04-29 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ - function support for ``Pipeline`` Changed ~~~~~~~ Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.11.0] - 2020-12-11 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Add new name for ``layers.Sequential`` (now ``layers.DAG`` for Directed Acyclic Graph), kept old name for legacy reasons - Add new argument options to ``layers.DenseIndex`` (reuse, trainable and initializer) Changed ~~~~~~~ - Remove shortened imports ``import deepr as dpr`` as it is useless. Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ - Unnecessary logging in metrics tensors' names resolution Fixed ~~~~~ - Incorrect numpy requirement (incompatible with Tensorflow requirements) Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.10.0] - 2020-10-28 --------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Log yarn launcher app id with mlflow. [2.9.1] - 2020-10-01 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - move tf-yarn dependency to gpu / cpu additional packages. [2.9.0] - 2020-10-01 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - SVD jobs and configs to MovieLens - VAE model to MovieLens - NDCG@K and Recall@K metrics to MovieLens - CSVReader to MovieLens - AddWithWeight, DenseIndex, MultiLogLikelihoodCSS, MultiLogLikelihood layers - Lambda layer to layers.base - preds option to Trainer Changed ~~~~~~~ [2.8.2] - 2020-09-07 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - Convert tuple of FileSystems into a List for skein (not cast by cluster_pack). [2.8.1] - 2020-09-03 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - breaking change in grad norms in Optimizer (store by query name, not variable name) [2.8.0] - 2020-09-03 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Accuracy and AccuracyAtK metrics - EvaluateJob - LSTM layer (using FusedOp) - Recursive .glob() in TFRecordReader for nested directory structures - Experimental Keras Trainer (converts tf.keras.Model into tf.estimator.Estimator) - Add run_id parameter to MlFlow macro (to restart a run) - Refactor to_example logic (make ``arrays_to_example`` importable to convert NumPy arrays to tf.Example) - Add missing macros module import - Add batch_shape to Field Changed ~~~~~~~ - ``__iter__`` method of `Reader` (remove context manager to avoid issue with Keras) - use skein_launcher instead of in-house implementation using skein. Fixed ~~~~~ - Use skip_steps when computing gradient norms in Optimizer - Path copy_file (to support local <> HDFS copies) [2.7.0] - 2020-08-04 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Add encoding support to Path / HDFSFile - Movielens example - TripletPrecision layer Changed ~~~~~~~ - Changed default initializer for embeddings in the embeddings layer Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.6.0] - 2020-07-02 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Add table support in ProtoPredict and ProtoExport [2.5.1] - 2020-07-01 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - wrong attribute in CopyDir [2.5.0] - 2020-07-01 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Batched support for ``FromExample`` (use ``tf.train.parse_example`` instead of ``parse_single_example``) - Support ``num_shards_embeddings=None`` in ``utils.save_checkpoint`` - Top1, Top1Max, BPRMax, NCE losses Changed ~~~~~~~ - Various versions of requirements in ``requirements.txt`` Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.4.2] - 2020-06-19 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Allow user to ignore cpu packages shipped in the pex to Yarn - URL formatter for MLFlow Macro - More checks to ``vocab.write`` (check type, newlines) [2.4.1] - 2020-06-15 -------------------- Fixed ~~~~~ - Fix incorrect inputs / outputs resolution in ``deepr.layers.Select`` - Fix edge cases of ``ToExample`` and ``FromExample`` (on scalars, tensors with dynamic shapes with ndims > 2) [2.4.0] - 2020-06-10 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Utilities to ``metrics.base``: ``get_tensors``, ``keep_scalars``, ``get_scalars`` - New metrics for variables ``VariableValue`` that returns value / global norm of a variable Changed ~~~~~~~ - ``LastValue`` metric does not store tensor values in a special metric variable. [2.3.0] - 2020-06-10 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - ``writers`` module, ``TFRecordWriter`` - ``ToExample`` prepro to convert a dataset to ``tf.Example`` - ``Field`` now has a ``to_feature(value)`` method - ``iter`` utils: ``progress`` (logs progress every n seconds), ``chunks`` to return chunks from an iterable - ``SaveDataset`` job to write a dataset to tfrecords. Changed ~~~~~~~ - ``TFRecordSequenceExample`` renamed ``FromExample`` (but old name still available). - ``Field`` method ``as_feature`` renamed ``feature_specs`` to avoid confusion with ``to_feature``. Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ - Removed ``Field`` methods (leading to incorrect uses): ``has_var_len``, ``as_feature``, ``has_fixed_len`` Fixed ~~~~~ - Incorrect ``shuffle`` argument use in ``TFRecordReader`` Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.2.0] - 2020-06-08 ------------ Added ~~~~~ ExportXlaModelMetadata job is added : make it possible to export metadata for xla models Changed ~~~~~~~ Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.1.1] - 2020-06-05 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Predictors also yield inputs when applied on a ```` Changed ~~~~~~~ Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.1.0] - 2020-06-04 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Add ``predictors`` - Add new example job ``PredictSavedModel`` Changed ~~~~~~~ - Example job ``Predict`` renamed into ``PredictProto`` Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Security ~~~~~~~~ [2.0.0] - 2020-06-03 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Doctest run in CI. Changed ~~~~~~~ - copy_dir job will now overwrite the target by default - Nested support for ``prepros.Serial`` - Context manager ``TableContext`` for tables reuse - Automatic table context creation in ``prepro.__call__`` - Prepro ``TableInitializer`` to run ``table_initializer_fn`` before ``map`` transforms - Vocabulary utilities (``read``, ``write``, ``size``) - Reverse lookup table function ``index_to_string_table_from_file`` and associated layer ``LookupIndexToString`` - Layer combinator ``ActiveMode`` to apply layer only on given modes - Layer ``ToFloat`` - Config evaluation modes: ``skip`` -> ``None``, ``instance`` -> ``call`` - New evaluation mode for config dictionary ``partial`` - Remove ``__post_init__`` for ``YarnTrainer`` and ``YarnLauncher`` to avoid unexpected non-laziness Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ - Use of ``prepro`` and ``layer`` decorator on constructors - Lazy behavior for ``prepro`` and ``layer`` decorator Fixed ~~~~~ - Doctests were fixed. - Add metric name sanitizer, especially needed to sanitize keras built variable names. - Typo in ``example`` predict (feedable / fetchable) Security ~~~~~~~~ [1.2.1] - 2020-05-27 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ Changed ~~~~~~~ Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ Avoid mkdir for HDFS path_model for permissions reasons Security ~~~~~~~~ [1.2.0] - 2020-05-26 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - ``OptimizeSavedModel`` now supports multiple fetches - new graph utils, ``import_graph_def``, ``get_feedable_tensors``, ``get_fetchable_tensors`` Changed ~~~~~~~ - ```` arguments (``path_model`` and ``graph_name`` instead of ``path_model_pb``, ``fetch`` instead of ``fetches`` for consistency with ``OptimizeSavedModel``). Deprecated ~~~~~~~~~~ Removed ~~~~~~~ Fixed ~~~~~ - wrong arguments in ``YarnConfig`` for ``upload_zip_to_hdfs``. Security ~~~~~~~~ [1.1.0] - 2020-05-25 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Remove some kwargs for cleaner error stacks - Make example more complex, add advanced notebook - Track missing macro - Update doc of logging tensor (change prefix to name) - Add helper to debug class building from config [1.0.0] - 2020-05-19 -------------------- Added ~~~~~ - Public Release