DeepR ===== .. _config_module: Config ------ The configuration module makes it possible to configure any object. .. currentmodule:: deepr.config .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary assert_no_macros fill_macros fill_references from_config ismacro isreference parse_config Exporter -------- Exporters run at the end of training. .. currentmodule:: deepr.exporters .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary Exporter BestCheckpoint SaveVariables SavedModel Hook ----- Hooks are called regularly during training to send some information to another service. .. currentmodule:: deepr.hooks .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary EarlyStoppingHookFactory EstimatorHookFactory LoggingTensorHookFactory MaxResidentMemory ResidentMemory StepsPerSecHook SummarySaverHookFactory TensorHookFactory Initializer ----------- Initializers run before training. .. currentmodule:: deepr.initializers .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary CheckpointInitializer Io -- Io provides helpers to read/write from file systems. .. currentmodule:: .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary HDFSFileSystem ParquetDataset Path read_json Job --- Jobs are the programs that will actually run, they are composable through the pipeline job, the yarn launcher and trainer job. .. currentmodule:: .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary CleanupCheckpoints CopyDir ExportXlaModelMetadata GridSampler Job LogMetric MLFlowSaveConfigs MLFlowSaveInfo OptimizeSavedModel ParamsSampler ParamsTuner Pipeline Sampler SaveDataset Trainer YarnLauncher YarnTrainer Layer ----- Tensorflow logic is preferably defined in a :class:`~deepr.layers.Layer` for re-usability and composability. It is the equivalent of `Keras`, `Trax`, etc. layers. It takes as input / returns a dictionary of :class:`~tf.Tensor`. This means that the `__init__` method of a `Layer` must define which keys are used for inputs / outputs. .. currentmodule:: deepr.layers .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary ActiveMode Add Average BPR BooleanMask ClickRank Concat Dense DotProduct Embedding Equal Identity IsMinSize Layer LogicalAnd Lookup LookupFromFile LookupFromMapping LookupIndexToString MaskedBPR NotEqual Parallel Product Rename Select DAG Sequential Slice SliceFirst SliceLast StringJoin Sum ToDense ToFloat WeightedAverage Macros ------- Macros are subclasses of dictionaries that dynamically create params for configs. .. currentmodule:: deepr.macros .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary MLFlowInit Metrics ------- Metrics compute training and validation information during training. .. currentmodule:: deepr.metrics .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary DecayMean FiniteMean LastValue MaxValue Mean Metric StepCounter VariableValue Optimizer --------- Optimizer is the way to optimize your graph. .. currentmodule:: deepr.optimizers .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary Optimizer TensorflowOptimizer Prepro ------ The :class:`~deepr.prepros.Prepro` classes are utilities to transform :class:``. The most common way to define a :class:`~deepr.prepros.Prepro` is to wrap a :class:`~deepr.layers.Layer` with a :class:`~deepr.prepros.Map` or :class:`~deepr.prepros.Filter` transform. .. currentmodule:: deepr.prepros .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary Batch Filter FromExample Map PaddedBatch Prefetch Prepro Repeat Serial Shuffle TFRecordSequenceExample TableInitializer Take ToExample Reader ------ A :class:`~deepr.readers.Reader` is the equivalent of `tensorflow_dataset` readers. Their `__init__` method defines all the parameters necessary to create a :class:``. .. currentmodule:: deepr.readers .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary GeneratorReader Reader TFRecordReader Utils ----- Various functions .. currentmodule:: deepr.utils .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary Field GraphiteClient TableContext TensorType chunks dict_to_item get_feedable_tensors get_fetchable_tensors handle_exceptions import_graph_def index_to_string_table_from_file item_to_dict make_same_shape msb_lsb_to_str progress save_variables_in_ckpt str_to_msb_lsb table_from_file table_from_mapping to_flat_tuple Vocab ----- Simple helpers for vocabularies .. currentmodule:: deepr.vocab .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary read size write Writer ------ A :class:`~deepr.writers.Writer` makes it possible to write dataset to disk. .. currentmodule:: deepr.writers .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary Writer TFRecordWriter