Source code for deepr.utils.field


from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class Field: """Convenient way to define fields for features. Attributes ---------- default : Any Default value of the field for padding dtype : tf.DType Tensorflow type of the field (automatically inferred if string) name : str Name of the field sequence : bool If True, the field represents a sequence. Used for ``tf.Example`` message serialization : if ``sequence`` is ``True``, the field with be stored in the ``feature_list`` entry of a ``tf.train.SequenceExample``. Automatically set if not given : ``True`` if ``shape``'s first dimension is ``None``. shape : Tuple Shape of the field """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, shape: Tuple, dtype, default: Any = None, sequence: bool = None): = name self.shape = tuple(shape) self.dtype = TensorType(dtype).tf self.default = default if default is not None else TensorType(dtype).default self.sequence = ( sequence if sequence is not None else (any(dim is None for dim in shape) if len(shape) == 2 else False) ) if self.sequence and not self.shape: msg = f"sequence=True but shape={self.shape}: expected at least one dimension." raise ValueError(msg)
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({}, {self.shape}, {self.dtype}, {self.default})" def __str__(self): return def __hash__(self): return hash( @property def feature_specs(self): """Return feature specs for parsing Example messages.""" if not self.is_featurizable(): raise ValueError(f"{self} is not featurizable, no feature specs.") if self.sequence: if any(dim is None for dim in self.shape[1:]): return else: return[1:], dtype=self.dtype) else: if any(dim is None for dim in self.shape): return else: return, dtype=self.dtype) @property def batch_shape(self): return tuple([None] + list(self.shape))
[docs] def is_sparse(self) -> bool: if self.is_featurizable(): return isinstance(self.feature_specs, return False
[docs] def is_featurizable(self) -> bool: if self.sequence: if len(self.shape) > 2 and any(dim is None for dim in self.shape[1:]): return False else: if len(self.shape) > 1 and any(dim is None for dim in self.shape): return False return True
[docs] def startswith(self, prefix: str): return
[docs] def as_placeholder(self, batch: bool = False) -> tf.placeholder: shape = tuple([None] + list(self.shape)) if batch else self.shape return tf.placeholder(dtype=self.dtype, shape=shape,
[docs] def to_feature(self, value: np.array) -> Union[tf.train.Feature, tf.train.FeatureList]: """Convert value to tf.train.Feature or tf.train.FeatureList. For shapes with more than 2 dimensions, uses ``np.ravel`` to flatten tensors in a list of values. Note that because ``tf.Example`` uses row-major to parse list of values, we make sure to use the same order with NumPy. For that reason, if any of the dimensions is not set (i.e. is ``None``), a ``ValueError`` is raised. Parameters ---------- value : np.array Tensor values Returns ------- tf.train.FeatureList If ``sequence`` is ``True`` tf.train.Feature If ``sequence`` is ``False`` Raises ------ ValueError If ``sequence``, ``len(shape) > 2`` and one of the non-first dimensions is not set (i.e. is ``None``). If not ``sequence``, ``len(shape) > 2`` and any of the dimensions is not set (i.e. is ``None``). """ def _to_feature(val): """Return tf.train.Feature""" if self.dtype is tf.int32 or self.dtype is tf.int64: return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=val)) if self.dtype is tf.float32 or self.dtype is tf.float64: return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=val)) if self.dtype is tf.string: return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=val)) else: raise TypeError() if self.sequence: if len(self.shape) == 0: msg = f"sequence=True but shape={self.shape}: expected at least one dimension." raise ValueError(msg) if len(self.shape) == 1: return tf.train.FeatureList(feature=[_to_feature([val]) for val in value]) if len(self.shape) == 2: return tf.train.FeatureList(feature=[_to_feature(val) for val in value]) if any(dim is None for dim in self.shape[1:]): msg = f"Unable to convert field {self} to feature. If ndim > 2, dimensions must be static." raise ValueError(msg) return tf.train.FeatureList(feature=[_to_feature(np.ravel(val, order="C")) for val in value]) else: if len(self.shape) == 0: return _to_feature([value]) if len(self.shape) == 1: return _to_feature(value) if any(dim is None for dim in self.shape): msg = f"Unable to convert field {self} to feature. If ndim > 2, dimensions must be static." raise ValueError(msg) return _to_feature(np.ravel(value, order="C"))
_TensorType = namedtuple("TensorType", ("tf, np, py, default, string")) _TENSOR_TYPES = [ _TensorType(tf.int32, np.int32, int, -1, "int32"), _TensorType(tf.int64, np.int64, int, -1, "int64"), _TensorType(tf.float32, np.float32, float, 0.0, "float32"), _TensorType(tf.float64, np.float64, float, 0.0, "float64"), _TensorType(tf.bool, np.bool, bool, True, "bool"), _TensorType(tf.string, np.dtype("S"), bytes, b"", "bytes"), _TensorType(tf.string, np.dtype("S"), str, b"", "string"), ]
[docs]def TensorType(dtype): """Return TensorType from Python, TensorFlow or NumPy type""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name for tt in _TENSOR_TYPES: if dtype is return tt elif dtype is return tt elif dtype is return tt elif dtype == tt.string: return tt raise ValueError(f"TensorType not found `{dtype}`")