Source code for deepr.utils.checkpoint

"""Checkpoint utilities"""

import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional
import os

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    np.dtype("float32"): tf.float32,
    np.dtype("float64"): tf.float64,
    np.dtype("int32"): tf.int32,
    np.dtype("int64"): tf.int64,

[docs]def save_variables_in_ckpt(path: str, variables: Dict[str, Optional[np.ndarray]], num_shards_embeddings: int = 1): """Save variables in checkpoint""""Creating TF Variables from %s", list(variables.keys())) variables_tf = {} variables_to_save = [] with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): for name, value in variables.items(): if value is not None: # We create placeholders and assignment ops here to # get over the 2GB GraphDef limit and not put the # variable values directly in the graph var = tf.get_variable( name=name, shape=value.shape, dtype=NUMPY_TO_TF_DTYPES[value.dtype], partitioner=tf.fixed_size_partitioner(num_shards=num_shards_embeddings, axis=0) if num_shards_embeddings is not None else None, ) placeholder = tf.placeholder(dtype=value.dtype, shape=value.shape) assign = var.assign(placeholder) variables_tf[name] = (assign, placeholder, value) variables_to_save.append(var) saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_save) full_path = os.path.join(path, "initial_variables.ckpt") # There is no reason to use GPU for getting variable values"Saving TF Variables %s to %s", list(variables.keys()), full_path) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={"GPU": 0})) as sess: for name, (assign, placeholder, value) in variables_tf.items():"Assigning variable %s with shape %s", name, value.shape), {placeholder: value}) saved_path =, full_path)"Saved TF Variables %s to %s", list(variables.keys()), saved_path) return saved_path