Source code for deepr.macros.mlflow_init

"""Initializes MLFlow run"""

import logging
import os
from typing import Callable

from mlflow.utils.mlflow_tags import MLFLOW_RUN_NAME

from deepr.utils import mlflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def standard_url_formatter(tracking_uri: str, experiment_id: str, run_id: str) -> str: """Default URL formatter for MLFlow runs.""" return f"{tracking_uri}/#/experiments/{experiment_id}/runs/{run_id}"
[docs]def internal_url_formatter(tracking_uri: str, experiment_id: str, run_id: str) -> str: """Internal URL formatter for MLFlow runs.""" return f"{tracking_uri}/experiments/{experiment_id}/runs/{run_id}"
[docs]class MLFlowInit(dict): """MLFlow Macro initializes MLFlow run and sets MLFlow parameters"""
[docs] def __init__( self, use_mlflow: bool = False, run_name: str = None, tracking_uri: str = None, experiment_name: str = None, artifact_location: str = None, url_formatter: Callable[[str, str, str], str] = internal_url_formatter, run_id: str = None, ): if use_mlflow: # Check arguments are not None if run_name is None: raise ValueError("'run_name' should not be None") if tracking_uri is None: raise ValueError("'tracking_uri' should not be None") if experiment_name is None: raise ValueError("'experiment_name' should not be None") if artifact_location is None: raise ValueError("'artifact_location' should not be None") # Start MLFlow run mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) mlflow.set_or_create_experiment(experiment_name, artifact_location) # With mlflow server 1.30.0 and mlflow client <= 1.23, the following command sends # two requests (one with an empty run_name and another with the filled run_name) # that collide. # >>> run = mlflow.start_run(run_id=run_id, run_name=run_name) # We thus start the run first, and then set the run_name to maximize compatibility. run = mlflow.start_run(run_id=run_id) if run_name is not None: tags = {} tags[MLFLOW_RUN_NAME] = run_name mlflow.set_tags(tags) # Define new parameters run_id = run_uuid = experiment_id = assert isinstance(run_id, str) # For mypy url = url_formatter(tracking_uri, experiment_id, run_id) # MLFlow config in environment variables os.environ["MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI"] = tracking_uri os.environ["MLFLOW_RUN_ID"] = run_id # Log variables"MLFLOW_RUN_UUID: {run_uuid}")"MLFLOW_RUN_ID: {run_id}")"MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI: {tracking_uri}")"MLFLOW_URL: {url}") else: # Set parameters to None run_id = None # type: ignore run_uuid = None # type: ignore experiment_id = None # type: ignore url = None # type: ignore LOGGER.warning("MLFlow not initialized") super().__init__( url=url, run_id=run_id, run_uuid=run_uuid, run_name=run_name, use_mlflow=use_mlflow, experiment_id=experiment_id, experiment_name=experiment_name, artifact_location=artifact_location, tracking_uri=tracking_uri, )