Source code for

"""Upload Configs to MLFlow"""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional, Callable, Tuple, Any
import logging

from deepr.config.base import fill_macros, TYPE
from import base
from deepr.utils import mlflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class MLFlowSaveConfigs(base.Job): """Upload Configs to MLFlow""" use_mlflow: Optional[bool] = False config: Optional[Dict] = None macros: Optional[Dict] = None macros_eval: Optional[Dict] = None formatter: Optional[Callable[[Dict], Dict]] = None
[docs] def run(self): config = self.config if self.config else dict() macros = self.macros if self.macros else dict() macros_eval = self.macros_eval if self.macros_eval else dict() if self.use_mlflow: # Prepare configs to upload macros_static = {macro: params for macro, params in macros.items() if TYPE not in params} macros_no_static = {macro: params for macro, params in macros.items() if TYPE in params} config_no_static = fill_macros(config, macros_static) config_no_macros = fill_macros(config, macros_eval) # Save configs and macros mlflow.log_dict(macros, "macros.json") mlflow.log_dict(macros_eval, "macros_eval.json") mlflow.log_dict(macros_static, "macros_static.json") mlflow.log_dict(macros_no_static, "macros_no_static.json") mlflow.log_dict(config, "config.json") mlflow.log_dict(config_no_static, "config_no_static.json") mlflow.log_dict(config_no_macros, "config_no_macros.json") # Log config and macros to MLFlow formatter = self.formatter if self.formatter else MLFlowFormatter() parameters = list(formatter({**macros_eval, **config_no_macros}).items()) for idx in range(0, len(parameters), 100): mlflow.log_params(dict(parameters[idx : idx + 100]))
[docs]class MLFlowFormatter: """Flattens dictionaries and extract sub-keys Example ------- >>> from import MLFlowFormatter >>> params = { ... "foo": { ... "type": "foo.Foo", ... "bar": { ... "x": 1, ... "y": 2, ... } ... } ... } >>> formatter = MLFlowFormatter(include_keys=("bar", "x"), skip_values=(2,)) >>> formatter(params) {'bar.x': 1, 'x': 1} Attributes ---------- include_keys : Tuple[str, ...], Optional If not None, keep only dictionaries nested under such keys skip_keys : Tuple[str, ...] Do not include dictionaries nested under such keys skip_values : Tuple[str, ...] Do not include such values """ def __init__( self, include_keys: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None, skip_keys: Tuple[str, ...] = (), skip_values: Tuple[str, ...] = (), ): self.include_keys = include_keys self.skip_keys = skip_keys self.skip_values = skip_values def __call__(self, params: Dict) -> Dict: """Flatten nested config dictionaries for MLFlow logging.""" def _format_type(val): return val.split(".")[-1] def _flatten(data: Dict) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Flattens nested dictionary, convert lists into dicts. A nested dict is flattened using a "." to join the keys of different levels. Values for keys ending with KEY_TYPE are shortened (don't keep the full import string but just the class's name). List of dictionaries are converted to a dictionary whose top-level keys are the value associated with KEY_TYPE in each of the children. Example ------- >>> data = { ... "foo": { ... "type": "foo.Foo", ... "bar": [{"type": "foo.Bar", "baz": 1}] ... } ... } # doctest: +SKIP >>> _flatten(data) # doctest: +SKIP {"foo.type": "Foo", "": 1} """ flat = dict() # type: ignore for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): flat.update({f"{key}.{subkey}": subval for subkey, subval in _flatten(value).items()}) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(val, dict) and TYPE in val for val in value): for item in value: dtype = _format_type(item[TYPE]) params = {key: val for key, val in item.items() if key != TYPE} flat.update(_flatten({key: {dtype: params}})) elif key == TYPE: flat[key] = _format_type(value) else: flat[str(key)] = value return flat # Flatten dictionary, extract relevant keys params = _flatten(params) formatted = dict() # type: Dict[str, Any] for param, value in params.items(): # Slice param to keep only keys after relevant keys keys = param.split(".") if self.include_keys is not None: sliced = [] # type: ignore for key in keys: if sliced or key in self.include_keys: sliced.append(key) keys = sliced if not keys or set(keys) & set(self.skip_keys) or any(str(val) in str(value) for val in self.skip_values): continue # Update formatted with the sliced param key if not present key = ".".join(keys) formatted[key] = formatted.get(key, value) # Also add the last key if in include_keys if not present last = keys[-1] if self.include_keys is not None and last in self.include_keys: formatted[last] = formatted.get(last, value) # Make sure keys are within the 250 characters limit filtered = {} for key, value in formatted.items(): if len(str(key)) >= 250: LOGGER.error(f"Key too long {key}") continue if len(str(value)) >= 250: LOGGER.error(f"Value too long {value}") continue filtered[key] = value return filtered