Source code for deepr.hooks.early_stopping

"""Early Stopping Hook"""

import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Union

import tensorflow as tf

from deepr.exporters.best_checkpoint import BestMode, read_eval_metrics
from deepr.hooks.base import EstimatorHookFactory

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EarlyStoppingHookFactory(EstimatorHookFactory): """Early Stopping Hook Factory Attributes ---------- metric : str Name of the metric to read from evaluation checkpoints. max_steps_without_improvement : int If no improvement in metric for this many step, stop. min_steps : int Do not attempt to early stop for this many steps. mode : BestMode INCREASE or DECREASE. If DECREASE, lower metric is better. run_every_secs : int, Optional If given, run early stopping hook every given seconds. run_every_steps : int, Optional If given, run early stopping hook every given steps. Either `run_every_secs` or `run_every_step` should be given. final_step : int, Optional If given, will set the global_step to this value when early stopping. This is a useful way to signal the end of training to the evaluator in the case of distributed training (early stopping causes issues with `train_and_evaluate`). """
[docs] def __init__( self, metric: str, max_steps_without_improvement: int, min_steps: int = 0, mode: Union[str, BestMode] = BestMode.DECREASE, run_every_secs: int = None, run_every_steps: int = None, final_step: int = None, ): if run_every_secs is None and run_every_steps is None: raise ValueError("run_every_steps and run_every_secs cannot both be None.") if isinstance(mode, str): mode = BestMode(mode) if not isinstance(mode, BestMode): raise ValueError(f"Expected {BestMode} but got {mode}") self.metric = metric self.max_steps_without_improvement = max_steps_without_improvement self.mode = mode self.min_steps = min_steps self.run_every_secs = run_every_secs self.run_every_steps = run_every_steps self.final_step = final_step
def __call__(self, estimator: tf.estimator.Estimator) -> tf.estimator.SessionRunHook: if estimator.config.is_chief: return _StopOnPredicateHook( partial( _no_metric_improvement_fn, eval_dir=estimator.eval_dir(), min_steps=self.min_steps, metric=self.metric, max_steps_without_improvement=self.max_steps_without_improvement, mode=self.mode, ), run_every_secs=self.run_every_secs, run_every_steps=self.run_every_steps, final_step=self.final_step, ) else: return _CheckForStoppingHook()
def _no_metric_improvement_fn( global_step: int, eval_dir: str, min_steps: int, metric: str, max_steps_without_improvement: int, mode: BestMode = BestMode.DECREASE, ): """Returns `True` if metric does not improve within max steps.""" if global_step < min_steps: return False is_better_fn = { BestMode.INCREASE: lambda val, best_val: val > best_val, BestMode.DECREASE: lambda val, best_val: val < best_val, } eval_results = read_eval_metrics(eval_dir) best_val, best_val_step = None, None for step, metrics in eval_results.items(): val = metrics[metric] if best_val is None or is_better_fn[mode](val, best_val): best_val, best_val_step = val, step if step - best_val_step >= max_steps_without_improvement: msg = f"No {mode} in metric {metric} for {step - best_val_step} steps, which is greater than or equal " msg += f"to max steps ({max_steps_without_improvement}) configured for early stopping." return True return False def _get_or_create_stop_var(): with tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope="signal_early_stopping", values=[], reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): return tf.get_variable( name="STOP", shape=[], dtype=tf.bool, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(False), collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES], trainable=False, ) class _StopOnPredicateHook(tf.estimator.SessionRunHook): """Request stop when should_stop_fn returns True""" def __init__( self, should_stop_fn: Callable[[int], bool], run_every_secs: int = None, run_every_steps: int = None, final_step: int = None, ): self._should_stop_fn = should_stop_fn self._timer = tf.estimator.SecondOrStepTimer(every_secs=run_every_secs, every_steps=run_every_steps) self._global_step_tensor = None self._stop_var = None self._stop_op = None self._final_step = final_step def begin(self): self._global_step_tensor = tf.train.get_global_step() self._stop_var = _get_or_create_stop_var() self._stop_op = tf.assign(self._stop_var, True) self._final_step_op = tf.assign(self._global_step_tensor, self._final_step) if self._final_step else None def before_run(self, run_context): del run_context return tf.estimator.SessionRunArgs(self._global_step_tensor) def after_run(self, run_context, run_values): """Request stop and override global_step if should stop""" global_step = run_values.results if self._timer.should_trigger_for_step(global_step): self._timer.update_last_triggered_step(global_step) if self._should_stop_fn(global_step):"Requesting early stopping at global step {global_step}") if self._final_step:"Updating global step to {self._final_step} to force evaluator to stop") run_context.request_stop() class _CheckForStoppingHook(tf.estimator.SessionRunHook): """Request stop if stop requested by _StopOnPredicateHook""" def __init__(self): self._stop_var = None def begin(self): self._stop_var = _get_or_create_stop_var() def before_run(self, run_context): del run_context return tf.estimator.SessionRunArgs(self._stop_var) def after_run(self, run_context, run_values): should_early_stop = run_values.results if should_early_stop:"Early stopping requested, suspending run.") run_context.request_stop()