Source code for

# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
"""Evaluate MovieLens."""

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Union, Optional

import numpy as np

import deepr
from deepr.utils import mlflow

    import faiss
except ImportError as e:
    print(f"Faiss needs to be installed for MovieLens {e}")

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class Evaluate( """Evaluate MovieLens using a Faiss Index. For each user embedding, the top num_queries items are retrieved. The input items are removed from the results, then we compare the remaining top-K results to the target items. """ path_predictions: str path_embeddings: str path_biases: Optional[str] = None k: Union[int, List[int]] = 50 use_mlflow: bool = False num_queries: int = 1000
[docs] def run(self): with as ds: predictions = ds.read_pandas().to_pandas() users = np.stack(predictions["user"]) if == ".npz": with"rb") as file: embeddings = np.load(file) embeddings = embeddings.astype(np.float32) else: with as ds: embeddings = ds.read_pandas().to_pandas() embeddings = embeddings.to_numpy() if self.path_biases is not None: # Concatenate biases to product embeddings with as ds: biases = ds.read_pandas().to_pandas() biases = biases.to_numpy() embeddings = np.concatenate([embeddings, biases], axis=-1) # Concatenate ones to users ones = np.ones([users.shape[0], 1], np.float32) users = np.concatenate([users, ones], axis=-1)"Shapes, embeddings={embeddings.shape}, users={users.shape}") index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(embeddings.shape[-1]) index.add(np.ascontiguousarray(embeddings)) _, indices =, k=self.num_queries) k_values = [self.k] if isinstance(self.k, int) else self.k for k in k_values: precision, recall, f1, ndcg = compute_metrics(predictions["input"], predictions["target"], indices, k=k) f"precision@{k} = {precision}\n" f"recall@{k} = {recall}\n" f"f1@{k} = {f1}\n" f"NDCG@{k} = {ndcg}" ) if self.use_mlflow: mlflow.log_metric(key=f"precision_at_{k}", value=precision) mlflow.log_metric(key=f"recall_at_{k}", value=recall) mlflow.log_metric(key=f"f1_at_{k}", value=f1) mlflow.log_metric(key=f"ndcg_at_{k}", value=ndcg)
[docs]def compute_metrics(inputs: List[np.ndarray], targets: List[np.ndarray], predictions: List[np.ndarray], k: int): """Compute Recall, Precision and F1.""" recalls = [] precisions = [] f1s = [] ndcgs = [] for inp, tgt, pred in zip(inputs, targets, predictions): # Remove indices that are in the input and take top k pred = [idx for idx in pred if idx not in inp][:k] p, r, f1 = precision_recall_f1(tgt, pred, k=k) ndcg = ndcg_score(tgt, pred, k=k) recalls.append(r) precisions.append(p) f1s.append(f1) ndcgs.append(ndcg) return np.mean(precisions), np.mean(recalls), np.mean(f1s), np.mean(ndcgs)
[docs]def precision_recall_f1(true: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray, k: int): """Compute precision, recall and f1_score.""" num_predicted = np.unique(pred).size num_intersect = np.intersect1d(pred, true).size num_observed = np.unique(true).size p = num_intersect / min(num_predicted, k) r = num_intersect / min(num_observed, k) f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) if p != 0 or r != 0 else 0 return p, r, f1
[docs]def ndcg_score(true: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray, k: int): """Compute Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain.""" tp = 1.0 / np.log2(np.arange(2, k + 2)) correct = [1 if p in true else 0 for p in pred] dcg = np.sum(correct * tp) idcg = np.sum(tp[: min(len(true), k)]) return dcg / idcg