Source code for deepr.cli.main

"""Main Entry Point for deepr commands.

Available commands::

    deepr run job.json macros.json

    deepr from_config_and_macros config.json macros.json

    deepr download_config_and_macros_from_mlflow 12dk242jd http://mlflow.url

    deepr add_macro config.json macros.json batch_size,learning_rate


import logging
from typing import List, Union

import fire

from deepr.config.base import parse_config, from_config
from deepr.config.experimental import add_macro_params, find_values
from deepr.config.macros import ismacro
from import Job
from import load_json, read_json, write_json
from deepr.utils import mlflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def run(job: str, macros: str = None): """Instantiate job from job configs and macros and run. Parameters ---------- job : str Path to json file or json string macros : str, optional Path to json file or json string """ job = from_config_and_macros(job, macros) if not isinstance(job, Job): raise TypeError(f"Expected Job, but got {type(job)}")
[docs]def from_config_and_macros(config: str, macros: str = None): """Instantiate object from config and macros. Parameters ---------- config : str Path to json file or json string macros : str, optional Path to json file or json string Returns ------- Instance Defined by config """ parsed = parse_config(load_json(config), load_json(macros) if macros else None) return from_config(parsed)
def _from_config(config: str): """Instantiate object from parsed config. Parameters ---------- config : str Path to json file or json string """ return from_config(load_json(config))
[docs]def download_config_and_macros_from_mlflow( run_id: str, tracking_uri: str = None, config: str = "config_no_static.json", macros: str = "macros_no_static.json", path_config: str = "config.json", path_macros: str = "macros.json", ): """Download config and macros from MLFlow. Parameters ---------- run_id : str MLFlow Run ID tracking_uri : str, optional MLFlow tracking URI config : str, optional Name of the config artifact macros : str, optional Name of the macros artifact path_config : str, optional Local path to file where to write the config path_macros : str, optional Local path to file where to write the macros """ mlflow.download_artifacts(run_id=run_id, path=config, dst_path=path_config, tracking_uri=tracking_uri) mlflow.download_artifacts(run_id=run_id, path=macros, dst_path=path_macros, tracking_uri=tracking_uri)
[docs]def add_macro(config: str, macros: str, params: Union[List[str], str], macro: str = "params"): """Create new params macro, infer new references in config. Look for keys in dictionaries of both macros and config that are in params, and for each param, store the existing value, replace it by a macro reference "$macro:param", and finally add the new macro parameter to the macros. The resulting updated config and macros are written in the a subdirectory of the config's directory, with name "new". WARNING: This function is performing a lot of magic by automatically replacing values in both macros and config. It is highly recommended to manually inspect the resulting config. Parameters ---------- config : str Path to config.json macros : str Path to macros.json params : Union[List[str], str] List of new parameters macro : str, optional Name of the new macro Raises ------ ValueError If any param in params has no match in either config and macros. """ # Load config and macros params = params.split(",") if isinstance(params, str) else params config_dict = read_json(config) macros_dict = read_json(macros) config_and_macros = {"config": config_dict, "macros": macros_dict} # Retrieve existing values, prefer values from macros"Automatically retrieving existing values for new parameters.") params_values = {**find_values(config_dict, params), **find_values(macros_dict, params)} # Add new macro params in config and macros"Automatically adding new macro params in config and macros.") config_and_macros = add_macro_params(config_and_macros, macro=macro, params=params) new_config_dict = config_and_macros["config"] new_macros_dict = config_and_macros["macros"] # Update macros with the new macro"Building new macro {macro} with parameters :") new_macros_dict[macro] = new_macros_dict.get(macro, {}) for param in params: value = params_values.get(param, f"${macro}:{param}") new_macros_dict[macro][param] = value if ismacro(value): LOGGER.warning(f"- {param}: {value} IS NOT SET (manual fix required if not using `ParamsTuner`).") else:"- {param}: {value}") # Write to new write_json(new_config_dict, config) write_json(new_macros_dict, macros)
[docs]def main(): """Main entry point""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("tensorflow").handlers = [] fire.Fire( { "run": run, "from_config": _from_config, "from_config_and_macros": from_config_and_macros, "download_config_and_macros_from_mlflow": download_config_and_macros_from_mlflow, "add_macro": add_macro, } )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()