Source code for autofaiss.indices.memory_efficient_flat_index

""" This file contain a class describing a memory efficient flat index """

import heapq
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from embedding_reader import EmbeddingReader

import faiss
import numpy as np
from tqdm import trange

from autofaiss.indices.faiss_index_wrapper import FaissIndexWrapper

[docs] class MemEfficientFlatIndex(FaissIndexWrapper): """ Faiss-like Flat index that can support any size of vectors without memory issues. Two search functions are available to use either batch of smaller faiss flat index or rely fully on numpy. """ def __init__(self, d: int, metric_type: int): """ __init__ function for MemEfficientFlatIndex Parameters: ----------- d : int dimension of the vectors, named d to keep Faiss notation metric_type : int similarity metric used in the vector space, using faiss enumerate values (faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT and faiss.METRIC_L2) """ super().__init__(d, metric_type) self.dim = d self.prod_emb = np.zeros((0, self.dim)) self.embedding_reader: Optional[EmbeddingReader] = None
[docs] def delete_vectors(self): """delete the vectors of the index""" self.prod_emb = np.zeros((0, self.dim))
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring, invalid-name
[docs] def add(self, x: np.ndarray): if self.prod_emb.shape[0] == 0: self.prod_emb = x.astype(np.float32) else: raise NotImplementedError("You can add vectors only once, delete them first with delete_vectors")
[docs] def add_all(self, filename: str, nb_items: int): """ Function that adds vectors to the index from a memmory-mapped array Parameters ---------- filename : string path of the 2D numpy array of shape (nb_items, vector_dim) on the disk nb_items : int number of vectors in the 2D array (the dim is already known) """ if self.prod_emb.shape[0] == 0: self.prod_emb = np.memmap(filename, dtype="float32", mode="r", shape=(nb_items, self.dim)) else: raise NotImplementedError("You can add vectors only once, delete them first")
[docs] def add_files(self, embedding_reader: EmbeddingReader): if self.embedding_reader is None: self.embedding_reader = embedding_reader else: raise NotImplementedError("You can add vectors only once, delete them first with delete_vectors")
# pylint: disable too_many_locals
[docs] def search_numpy(self, xq: np.ndarray, k: int, batch_size: int = 4_000_000): """ Function that search the k nearest neighbours of a batch of vectors. This implementation is based on vectorized numpy function, it is slower than the search function based on batches of faiss flat indices. We keep this implementation because we can build new functions using this code. Moreover, the distance computation is more precise in numpy than the faiss implementation that optimizes speed over precision. Parameters ---------- xq : 2D numpy.array of floats Batch of vectors of shape (batch_size, vector_dim) k : int Number of neighbours to retrieve for every vector batch_size : int Size of the batch of vectors that are explored. A bigger value is prefered to avoid multiple loadings of the vectors from the disk. Returns ------- D : 2D numpy.array of floats Distances numpy array of shape (batch_size, k). Contains the distances computed by the index of the k nearest neighbours. I : 2D numpy.array of ints Labels numpy array of shape (batch_size, k). Contains the vectors' labels of the k nearest neighbours. """ assert self.metric_type == faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT # Instanciate several heaps, (is there a way to have vectorized heaps?) h: List[List[Tuple[float, int]]] = [[] for _ in range(xq.shape[0])] # reshape input for vectorized distance computation xq_reshaped = np.expand_dims(xq, 1) # initialize index offset offset = 0 # For each batch for i in trange(0, self.prod_emb.shape[0], batch_size): # compute distances in one tensor product dist_arr = np.sum((xq_reshaped * np.expand_dims(self.prod_emb[i : i + batch_size], 0)), axis=-1) # get index of the k biggest # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object # pylint/issues/3139 max_k = min(k, dist_arr.shape[1]) ind_k_max = np.argpartition(dist_arr, -max_k)[:, -max_k:] assert ind_k_max.shape == (xq.shape[0], max_k) # to be vectorized if it is indeed the bottleneck, (it's not for batch_size >> 10000) for j, inds in enumerate(ind_k_max): for ind, distance in zip(inds, dist_arr[j, inds]): true_ind = offset + ind if ind != -1 else -1 if len(h[j]) < k: heapq.heappush(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) else: heapq.heappushpop(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) offset += batch_size # Fill distance and indice matrix D: np.ndarray = np.zeros((xq.shape[0], k), dtype=np.float32) I: np.ndarray = np.full((xq.shape[0], k), fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(xq.shape[0]): # case where we couldn't find enough vectors max_k = min(k, len(h[i])) for j in range(max_k): x = heapq.heappop(h[i]) D[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[0] I[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[1] return D, I
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, arguments-differ
[docs] def search(self, x: np.ndarray, k: int, batch_size: int = 4_000_000): """ Function that search the k nearest neighbours of a batch of vectors Parameters ---------- x : 2D numpy.array of floats Batch of vectors of shape (batch_size, vector_dim) k : int Number of neighbours to retrieve for every vector batch_size : int Size of the batch of vectors that are explored. A bigger value is prefered to avoid multiple loadings of the vectors from the disk. Returns ------- D : 2D numpy.array of floats Distances numpy array of shape (batch_size, k). Contains the distances computed by the index of the k nearest neighbours. I : 2D numpy.array of ints Labels numpy array of shape (batch_size, k). Contains the vectors' labels of the k nearest neighbours. """ if self.prod_emb is None: raise ValueError("The index is empty") # Cast in the right format for Faiss if x.dtype != np.float32: x = x.astype(np.float32) # xq for x query, a better name than x which is Faiss convention xq = x # Instanciate several heaps, (is there a way to have vectorized heaps?) h: List[List[Tuple[float, int]]] = [[] for _ in range(xq.shape[0])] # initialize index offset offset = 0 # For each batch for i in trange(0, self.prod_emb.shape[0], batch_size): # instanciate a Flat index brute = faiss.IndexFlatIP(self.dim) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter brute.add(self.prod_emb[i : i + batch_size]) D_tmp, I_tmp =, k) # to be vectorized if it is indeed the bottleneck, (it's not for batch_size >> 10000) for j, (distances, inds) in enumerate(zip(D_tmp, I_tmp)): for distance, ind in zip(distances, inds): true_ind: int = offset + ind if ind != -1 else -1 if len(h[j]) < k: heapq.heappush(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) else: heapq.heappushpop(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) offset += batch_size # Fill distance and indice matrix D: np.ndarray = np.zeros((xq.shape[0], k), dtype=np.float32) I: np.ndarray = np.full((xq.shape[0], k), fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(xq.shape[0]): # case where we couldn't find enough vectors max_k = min(k, len(h[i])) for j in range(max_k): x = heapq.heappop(h[i]) D[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[0] I[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[1] return D, I
[docs] def search_files(self, x: np.ndarray, k: int, batch_size: int): if self.embedding_reader is None: raise ValueError("The index is empty") # Cast in the right format for Faiss if x.dtype != np.float32: x = x.astype(np.float32) # xq for x query, a better name than x which is Faiss convention xq = x # Instanciate several heaps, (is there a way to have vectorized heaps?) h: List[List[Tuple[float, int]]] = [[] for _ in range(xq.shape[0])] # initialize index offset offset = 0 # For each batch for emb_array, _ in self.embedding_reader(batch_size): # for i in trange(0, self.prod_emb.shape[0], batch_size): # instanciate a Flat index brute = faiss.IndexFlatIP(self.dim) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter brute.add(emb_array) D_tmp, I_tmp =, k) # to be vectorized if it is indeed the bottleneck, (it's not for batch_size >> 10000) for j, (distances, inds) in enumerate(zip(D_tmp, I_tmp)): for distance, ind in zip(distances, inds): true_ind: int = offset + ind if ind != -1 else -1 if len(h[j]) < k: heapq.heappush(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) else: heapq.heappushpop(h[j], (distance, true_ind)) offset += emb_array.shape[0] # Fill distance and indice matrix D: np.ndarray = np.zeros((xq.shape[0], k), dtype=np.float32) I: np.ndarray = np.full((xq.shape[0], k), fill_value=-1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(xq.shape[0]): # case where we couldn't find enough vectors max_k = min(k, len(h[i])) for j in range(max_k): x = heapq.heappop(h[i]) # type: ignore D[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[0] I[i][max_k - 1 - j] = x[1] return D, I